Product Details
+Daffodil White Medal
A lovely, creamy-white double daffodil, Narcissus White Medal is a medium-sized, bulbous perennial with an upright habit. The leaves are strap-shaped and mid-green. The flowers, which emerge in April and into May, are ivory-white with a creamy tinge, and perfectly formed, with the cup split into many petals, creating the double form, like a small camellia. it is also good in containers. Take care to plant them where they face into the sun as you look, as otherwise they will turn towards the sun, like all narcissus/daffodils. Wear gloves when planting the bulbs in September, and water in well.
Site: Sheltered
Soil: Any well-drained, fertile soil, preferably moist
Position: Full sun or partial shade
Season of interest: Mid- to late spring
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Height: 16” (40cm) Spread: 4” (10cm)